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蜂膠精華 Propolis Proof

增強抵抗力,促進口腔及呼吸系統健康 ●香港專櫃有售 ●澳門專櫃有售
蜂膠精華 Propolis Proof 60粒/720粒
主要成分: 新鮮天然蜂膠  

- 能抑制有害生物於口腔及呼吸道等地方滋生
- 含豐富的天然抗氧化物,能有助延緩衰老
- 增強自身防禦力,同時有助改善皮膚
- 促進咽喉、氣管及肺部等呼吸道健康

適用人士: - 關注口腔衛生及健康人士
- 關注肺部及呼吸道健康人士
- 關注自身抵抗力不足人士
- 關注皮膚粉刺及痘痘人士


*All products are not registered under the Pharmacy and Poisons Ordinance or the Chinese Medicine Ordinance. *
Any claim made for it has not been subject to evaluation for such registration. Products are not intended to diagnose, treat or prevent any disease.